Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stupid People

I'm sorry, but just because you feel the need to say something, doesn't mean you actually should. THINK before you speak. Or type, in this case. And who knows, maybe my response makes me guilty of the exact same thing and he is thinking the exact same thing about me right now. Maybe he's blogging about it, too. But, seriously. You have NO right to say that you know more about this than we do. Trust me. I know PLENTY more than I ever wanted to know. And if you start a sentence with "Not to be a downer, but..." then you should probably just avoid that statement because it is a downer and you are going to piss someone off. Today, that someone is me. I'm terribly sorry for your loss, but you're not the only one who gave someone over to this wretched disease. Think about that before you go telling us about prevention and that there will probably never be a cure. It's a little late for that.